Saturday, April 22, 2006

recently risen from the junk heap...mothra

I found this old moth trap tin, dated 1950, at a garage sale and the guy just gave it to me...I guess he felt that the market for moth traps was drying up..(insert dumb reference about moth balls here). I mean the thing's never been used, so of course I drilled a couple of holes, cut up a mellon baller, tore apart a set of bicycle caliper brakes, tossed on a couple of reject track lights and added a few bits from an old I was going to call him Moth-killer...sounds way too extreme or No-Moth-er, but that just sound weird! Anyway I felt it was absolutely necessary to share this worthless dribble with you...all two or three of you...hello?


Anonymous said...

very cool ... do you have a store?

Anonymous said...

Hey, just to let you know - somebody is watching (and reading). Love your robots. said...

Love your creations man! My wife linked me to one of your creations via Pinterest and I felt a kinship! Check out GadgetSponge when you get a chance. Keep up the fantastic work! -- Brian